Essay Outline



(Always provide a title, even when not required to)


A-    Introduction: (Sell your work)

1-       General Statement / Hook / Motivator (much more general than your topic! Attract the reader’s attention.)

2-       Background information (narrow down)

3-       Lead in (keep narrowing down until you reach the thesis)

4-     Thesis Statement: (remember, it is ONE statement that states the main topic and includes the keywords of your topic sentences)


B-    Body: (Don’t forget to use transition words!! You might want to decide on a few beforehand: e.g., for addition: first, next, moreover, furthermore, in addition... For contrast: however, nevertheless, on the other hand… For comparison: likewise, similarly, whereas… For consequence: therefore, thus, hence, consequently…)

1-     Topic sentence= main idea in the paragraph. Circle the keywords so that you see
them properly + include them in your thesis.

·        SS (Supporting Sentence- you can use details, examples, supporting ideas …)

·        SS

·        SS

·        CS (Concluding Sentence: optional; you can have a concluding sentence for each paragraph)


2-     Topic sentence = main idea in the paragraph. Circle the keywords so that you see
them properly + include them in your thesis.

·        SS

·        SS 

·        SS

·        CS


C-    Conclusion: (Worth remembering)
(Transition words used to conclude: Finally, to conclude, to sum up, in a nutshell, last but not least…)

1.      Restatement of the Thesis / Sum up: (remember, it is ONE statement as well! You cannot re-write the thesis here the way you did it before, you need to rephrase it respecting the same order of keywords.)

2.       Opening up (these sentences have to be different from the ones in your introduction.) 

3.      Message (you cannot introduce a topic and conclude it with the same ideas!! Be careful.)

4.      Final comment, advice, recommendation, food for thought… (write a strong, effective comment that the reader will remember!)

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