Good Luck!Underline the mistakes then CORRECT them on the lines below :
1.I must say that fourty thousands people stays in ghettos and it would need a miracle to find them others places were they can live . ( 5 M )
.2.We would better find out how long will it take us to find a person full of strenght and courage wich can help us to get rid of all those who enjoys braking the rules . ( 6 M )
3.No man will listen to you talk if he doesn't know it is his turn next .(2)
4.Be bold . The Providence love boldness and will assist you in ways you woulden't immagine . (4)
5.Two days ago my teacher has told me their is little mistakes in my essay . (4)
6.Its never two late to mend . (2) able to get the others do what you want . (2)
8.Everything we need are so handy , we just have to look well so that we can find it , havent we ? (2)
9.Triet the others as adult . (2)
10."Everyone deserve a chance , isn't it ?" "To whom are you saying that ?" (3)
11.Freedom doesn't exist , but there is "choice" instead .we are free to chose what we want . So , we must know that no one cannot get everything , no one can be happy every day ..... What one have to do is to choose what he really want , and to sacrifice the others things that are not so crucial ! (6)
............12.Listen carefully , I'm going to give you a few advices about the use of these furnitures . (4)
13.The news say that no sooner did the police come than it started making plans to arrest Cynthia and marcel's mother how is a friend of my daughter . (5)
14.The physician advised the patient to talk slowlier and to look after another person which will take care of him . (4)
15.Tony is the most friendly of the twins , yet he has less friends then his brother who comes very lately to school every day . (4)
....16.When I hanged up I realized it will take me too hours to call her back. (3)
17.I didn't know where have they been so I waited for there arrival outside.(4)
18.Had I done theese exercices, you would have had my bicycle meant?(4)
19.Neither of the boys run quickly , doesn't he ? But what is sure is that they are both eager to arrive to the top of the mountain . (4)
20.When this year will end , I would have tought you for two years . (3)
21.When I will see him I won't give him money, but don't give him too! (2)
22.When I went to the pub I've seen two lebanese young girls . They told me you will be very understanding , that was a utter lie ! (5)