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Profile $40.00 plus S&H

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44 Farmers Row
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Please review the above information for accuracy then fill in the questions below

1 How much do you like it when people are really friendly with you?
2 How often do you try to socialize with other people?
3 How often do you seek close friendships with people?
4 How often do you want people to act cold toward you?
5 How often do you try to have people follow your leadership?
6 How often do you try to be included in social activities?
7 How often do you try to dominate people?
8 How often do you try to have close friendships with people?
9 How often do you like being invited to people's social activities?
10 How often do you let people control your behavior?
11 How often do you join organized groups?
12 How often do you try to influence people's actions?
13 How often do you try to have close friendships ?
14 How often do you like people to be very friendly with you?
15 How often do you join people in their social activities?
16 How often do you let people have a strong influence on you?
17 How often do you attempt to be with people socially?
18 How often do you try to take a leadership role when you are with people?
19 How often do you let people influence you?
20 How often do you try to have people around you socially?
21 How often do you like having people invite you to social activities?
22 How often do you try to participate in group events?
23 How often do you like having others include you in their social functions?
24 How often do you participate in group organizations?
25 How often do you try to influence people to do things your way?
26 How often do you like being included in people's social activities?
27 How often do you let other people make decisions that affect you?
28 How often do you try to take charge of situations involving other people?
29 How often do you try to involve people in your activities?
30 How often do you want people to leave you alone?
31 How often do you try to understand people's feelings?
32 How often do you find it easy to trust people?
33 How often do you feel uneasy about meeting new people?
34 With how many people do you try to assume a leadership role?
35 In close friendships with people, how many people might see you as cold or distant with them?
36 How many people do you try to have a strong influence on?
37 With how many people do you try to be friends?
38 In close friendships, how many people do you want to act cold toward you?
39 How many people do you allow to make decisions for you?
40 How many people do you want to keep their distance from you?
41 How many people can easily influence you?
42 How many people do you want to include you in their social activities?
43 How many people do you try to get friendly and personal?
44 How many people do you want to act close with you?
45 How many people do you want to do things your way?
46 How many people do you allow to control situations that affect you?
47 How many people do you want for your best friends?
48 How many people do you want to act friendly and close with you?
49 How many people have a strong control over your life?
50 How many people do you want to ask you to join their social activities?
51 How many people do you want to invite you to social activities?
52 How many people do you allow to control your behavior?
53 In close friendships, with how many people do you act cold or distant?
54 How many people do you want to seek close friendships with you?
55 With how many people do you try to have close friendships?
56 How many people do you want to include you in their social conversations?
57 How many people do you want to invite you to participate in their social events?
58 How many people make you angry?
59 How many people understand you?
60 How many people get angry with you?