In short fiction, who tells the story and how it is told are critical issues for an author to decide. The tone and feel of the story, and even its meaning, can change radically depending on who is telling the story.
We should remember that someone is always between the reader and the action of the story , that someone is telling the story from his or her own point of view. This angle of vision, the point of view from which the people, events, and details of a story are viewed, is important to consider when reading a story.
Here are some Questions we should Ask Ourselves when we Read a Story :
TYPES of Point of View :
A- First Person
B- Third Person
An outside force without any clear identity tells the story [described elsewhere as like the eye of God]
1- Omniscient: narrator moves freely about in time and space and into characters’ thoughts and feelings . He knows everything about them , interprets and comments on their behavior, and even comments on the significance or meaning of the story.
2- Limited omniscient: Like omniscient, the story is told in third person, but the author tells it from the viewpoint of only one character. The author looks at events through the eyes, mind and emotions of that one character. The writer moves inside and outside the character and knows what that character sees, hears, feels, and thinks. However, nothing is revealed about the other characters except for what his chosen character knows or infers. This point of view is closer to the conditions of real life and may serve to unify the story since all details are seen through the eyes and experience of one person.
3- Objective : narrator refrains from any editorial commentary . He can go anywhere, but can only record what is seen and heard . He tells what happens without stating more than can be inferred from the story's action and dialogue. He never discloses anything about what the characters think or feel, remaining a detached observer.
Page Created on September 8th, 1998
Last updated on April 20th,1999
Copyright (C) 1998/1999 by Nada AbiSamra.
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