"...Portfolios are a means of communicating about student growth and development..." Rick Stiggins (1994)
Each student is required to have a Portfolio. A well-maintained, organized portfolio will be one of your most important study tools as you learn to communicate in English. You must bring it with you to class every monthly, and you are required to keep all your English papers in it.
Please read the following guidelines carefully:
Yourportfolio should be used solely for English class. It should be in good shape, and very well organized.(Creativity is a MUST)
You will need 7 Tab Dividers, and 8 Subdividers clearly labeled for the following sections and subsections:
1- Cover Sheet Index + Student's Preface + "Your Portfolio" +
Prayers, Syllabus, Passport, Mission
Statement, Rules & Procedures, Class
Expectations .... => First week handouts
2- Class Notes
3- Homework
4- Handouts - Texts & Other documents
- Writing
- Grammar
- Narrative Elements (Short Stories)
- Songs
5- Journal Themes (Those given by the teacher or collected by the
6- Tests & Quizzes + Corrections
7- Miscellaneous - Interesting documents collected by students
- Periodic Self-Evaluations (4) => at the end of
each monthly, to make sure you are on task to
accomplish goals.
- Conclusion => Summary of work - Self-evaluation
( At the end of the year )All entries in the Portfolio must be dated and labeled (according to the Theme or Topic).
Your Portfolio should be kept up-to-date on a regular basis.
You may use the filed contents of your portfolio for answers to "portfolio quizzes." The grades that you receive on these short (sometimes unannounced) quizzes will count as part of your preparation grade.
Keep your Portfolio and its contents for the next year!
Nada AbiSamra