BRAIN POWER Can You Remember?

Memorize From General To Specific - Study the big picture, then learn the details. Learning and memorizing are like a funnel - the process is not very effective when the small end is at the top.

Cramming Does Not Work! Cramming for an exam only commits the information to short term memory. You will forget what you never really learned.

Four Basic Reasons Why We Forget Pieces Of Information.

Don't use the information.

Confuse it with other information.

Decide the information does not match what you already believe.

Never really learned the information in the first place.

Keys to Remembering.

Be Interested. Pay Attention. Consciously choose to remember. Establish a need to remember.

Visualize. Picture in your mind what you wish to remember.

Relate. Relate and form associations between the new ideas and information you wish to remember and inforamtion, ideas, persons, things, etc. that you already know.

Repeat. Even though something is initially learned it will more than likely be forgotten if not over learned. Be sure to repeat information in your own words.

More Memory Tips

Fill in Blanks

Make your own flash clards by writing "fill in the blank" statements on the front of index cards and answers on the back

Or do the same with a hand-held tape recorder. Make recorded questions, pauses for answers, then recorded answers.

Seven is the Magic Number. Repeat difficult information seven times a day for seven days. OR, create seven index cards with the word or fact written on tem. Tape the cards in places where you go frequently (ie., mirror, fridge, etc), then forget about them. After two weeks you will sibliminally absorb the information.


During review, coverup the text below headings and try to remember what's next.

This method works well with your notes, outlines and Quick Study charts.

Key Ideas

Highlight them in your textbooks and outlines.

Give extra attention to words or phrases in bold

Make up acronyms or mnemonics to recall (i.e., GIGO = garbage in; garbage out) or Please Excues My Dear Aunt Sall = parentheses first, then exponents, then multiplication, division, addition and subtraction)


Make a mental image of your notes, outlines, color-coded Quick Study charts, etc. and, where facts are located on them in relations to other topics. These images (fact maps) and their data can often be recalled during tests.

Critical Thinking Skills

Don't believe everything you see, read or hear. Decide for yourself what you are going to believe.

Critical thinking is importnt in order to:

  1. Enhance common sense.
  2. Filter emotion.
  3. Categorize experience.
  4. Select reference
  5. Understand the "experts"
  6. Sort fact from opinion
  7. Learn to express yourself in a cogent and expressive manner
Critical thinkers are:
  1. Attractive socially
  2. Able to resist manipulation
  3. Able to overcome confusion
  4. Able to preceive connections between subjects and events
  5. Able to base judgement on evidence and facts
  6. Able to realize that the "truth" is never simple Grey or foggy areas always exist.