APA Style
American Psychological Association

Book with One Author

Elements of Citation:
Last name, Initials. (Year of publication). Title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Stabile, C. A. (1994). Feminism and the technological fix. Manchester, England: Manchester
University Press.

Book with Two Authors

Elements of Citation:
Last name, Initials, & Last name, Initials. (Year of publication). Title. Place of publication:

Kroker, A., & Kroker, M. (1996). Hacking the future: Stories for the flesh-eating 90s.
New York: St. Martin's.

World Wide Web Site

Elements of Citation:
Last name, Initials. (Year of publication). Title of web page. Title of website. Retrieved date of
access from the World Wide Web: address path

Hies, K. (1998). Tribute to Hedy Lamarr. Sciencegrrl. Retrieved December 31, 1998 from the
World Wide Web: http://www.geocities.com/~pandoracvi/hlamarr/scigrrl.html

Britannica Online

Elements of Citation:
Title of article. (Year of publication). Retrieved date of access from Britannica database
(Britannica Online) on the World Wide Web: http://search.eb.com.

Work, history of the organization of (1998). Retrieved January 16, 2002 from Britannica
database (Britannica Online) on the World Wide Web: http://search.eb.com.

Journal Article Accessed from ProQuest

Elements of Citation:
Last name, Initials. (Year of publication). Title of article. Title of journal, volume number
(issue number), page range or number of pages. Retrieved month day, year from
Bell & Howell Information and Learning-ProQuest database (ProQuest) on the World
Wide Web: http://www.umi.com/pqdauto

Evans, B. A. (1998). Science and the construction of women. Gender and Education, 10 (4),
468. Retrieved January 1, 1999 from Bell & Howell Information and Learning-ProQuest
database (ProQuest) on the World Wide Web: http://www.umi.com/pqdauto

Journal Article with One Author

Elements of Citation:
Last name, Initials. (Year of publication). Title of article. Title of journal, volume number
(issue number), page numbers.

Wilding, F. (1998). Notes on the political condition of cyberfeminism. Art Journal, 57 (2),

Journal Article with Two to Six Authors

Elements of Citation:
Last name, Initials, & Last name, Initials. (Year of publication). Title of article. Title of journal,
volume number (issue number), page numbers.

Burke, L., & Whitworth, R. (1998). Seeking knowledge: Women, science, and Islam.
Women's Studies International Forum, 21 (2), 147-159.

Magazine Article

Elements of Citation:
Last name, Initials. (Year of publication, month day). Title of article. Title of magazine,
volume number, page numbers.

Turner, R. (1998, October 14). Back in the Ms. biz. Newsweek, 132, 67.

Newspaper Article, Signed

Elements of Citation:
Last name, Initials. (Year of publication, month day). Headline. Title of newspaper,
p. page number or pp. page numbers.

Altman, L. K. (1997, May 22). Swedish study finds sex bias in getting science jobs.
New York Times, p. B13.

Newspaper Article, Unsigned

Elements of Citation:
Headline. (Year of publication, month day). Title of newspaper, p. page number or pp. page

Women earn high marks on a web test. (1997, July 3). New York Times, p. D6.

Sample references

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