General Information/Renseignements généraux:

Last name/Nom:                  AbiSamra
First name/Prénom:              Nada
Web site/Site web:     

Phone/Téléphone:                961-5-453965

Spouse/Époux:                    Antoine AbiSamra

Sex/Sexe:                            Female
Age/Âge:                             35

Marital Status/
Statut civil:                           Married :

Relationship to Closest
Relative in Canada/
Lien avec le plus proche
parent au Canada :              Not_Applicable

Language Abilities/Connaissances linguistiques:


SPEAK/Parlé:  Fluently
READ/Lu:        Fluently
WRITE/Écrit:   Fluently


SPEAK/Parlé:  Fluently
READ/Lu:        Fluently
WRITE/Écrit:   Fluently

Post Secondary Education/Éducation post-secondaire:

  - B.A., Arabic, French, English Languages-- U.S.J.- Université Saint Joseph-
    Lebanon (Translation Department)-- From October, 1983 till June, 1986
  - M.A., Translation-- U.S.J.- Université Saint Joseph- Lebanon  (Translation Department)--
    October, 1986 till June, 1987
  - Teaching Diploma, TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) A.U.B.-
    American University of Beirut- Lebanon (Depatment of Education)--
    October, 1997 till June, 1999

Graduate Courses in Teaching English
  A.U.M.- Auburn University at Montgomery- Alabama, USA-
  (Department of Education) 1999/2000
  - Advanced Educational Psychology  (GPA= 4.0/4)
  - Tests & Measurement in Education  (GPA= 4.0/4)
  - Research in Education  (GPA= 4.0/4)
  - Rhetoric & Style  (GPA= 4.0/4)
 A.U.B.- American University of Beirut- Beirut, Lebanon-
 (Department of Education) 2000/2001
  - Problems of Teaching Reading (Fall 2000)
  - Determinants of Educational Policy (Fall 2000)
  - Problems of Teaching Writing (Spring 2001)

  ESL & General Workshops/Conferences
  - Lebanese American University - "Language & Change"- November 2000
  - HHHS- Saida- Lebanon- International Conference on ADD & ADHD- November 2000
  - American Community School (ACS) - Teachers' Workshop- November 2000
  - Université Saint Joseph- Lebanon & Collège Notre-Dame, Jamhour- Lebanon-
    Several ESL & Methodology workshops
  - King's College, Bournemouth, England - July/August 96  (ESL Teachers' Course)
  - N.D.U.- Notre Dame University- Lebanon-- ESL Workshop- September, 93

  French Workshop
  -  U.S.J.- Université Saint Joseph- Lebanon- 1993

  Computer Workshops/Courses
  - Future Kids/ Data Management- Lebanon-  Computer basics, word, Excel-
     November 1996
  - Data Management- Lebanon- Internet Training Session: Easy Soft-
     September 1997
  - Gateway Country- Montgomery, Alabama- "Welcome to Gateway Country"
     Software Training- September 1999
  - Gateway Country- Montgomery, Alabama- "HTML Fundamentals"
     September 1999
  - Advanced Training Group- Auburn University Montgomery- Alabama-
     "Web Page Design using HTML and Frontpage 2000- Introduction"
     June 2000
  - Advanced Training Group- Auburn University Montgomery- Alabama-
     "Web Page Design using HTML and Frontpage 2000- Intermediate"
     June 2000
  - Advanced Training Group- Auburn University Montgomery- Alabama-
     "Photoshop Introduction"- June 2000

  Computer Skills
  - Internet (surfing and designing web pages), Windows, Word Processing,
    Excel, Powerpoint

Occupational History/Expériences professionnelles:

  - Member of the French Alliance in Montgomery, Alabama since October 1999.
  - Member of the Maxwell Officers' Wives' Club in Montgomery, Alabama since
    October 1999.
  - Member of TESOL since May 2000.
  - Member of Kappa Delta Pi, an International Honor Society in Education,
    since May 2000.

  Volunteer Work (1999-2000)
  - Teaching ESL at the International Officer School, Maxwell Air Force Base-
     Montgomery- Alabama.
  - Teaching Computer & Internet at Our Lady Queen of Mercy Catholic School-
     Montgomery- Alabama
  - Interpreting- English/French and French/English for Jeana Boggs & Associates-
    Court Reporter & Karen Rogers- Lawyer (Deposition)- Montgomery- AL
  - Teaching French to a few international ladies & friends in Montgomery.
  - Preparing an American student for the French Advanced Placement Examination
    (She ended up having 5/5 on the exam) & Designing a web page for her.
  - Designing web pages for Students and Friends.



- ESL TeacherU.S.J.- Université Saint Joseph
     Teaching ESL (5 hrs/week) to Political Science students. 
Jan. 2001 - present
- ESL Teacher,  American Community School (ACS)
     Teaching ESL to High School & Elementary Students. 
     Designing syllabi for High School ESL. 
     Helping with the design of the curricula and policies 
     of the newborn ESL Department. 
     Designing a web site for the ESL Department.
Sep. 2000 - present
- French Teacher,  American Community School (ACS)
     Teaching Advanced French to 5th graders. 
     Substituting for French teachers.
Sep. 2000 - present
- ESL TeacherU.S.J.- Université Saint Joseph
     Taught ESL- Intensive Course (5 hrs/day) to 
     Physical Therapy & Medical Lab students. 
     Designed a web site for my summer students.
1-28 July 2000
 - ESL TeacherU.S.J.- Université Saint Joseph
     Taught ESL- Advanced Level- to Business, Language 
     Arts, Psychology, Sociology, Geography & Political 
     Science students. 
     Personally designed course study. 
     Created & Designed Web Pages for students' projects. 
Oct. 1995 - June 1999
 - English Teacher, Collège Notre-Dame de Jamhour
     Taught EFL to Secondary Classes. 
     Personally developed the syllabus for the academic year 
     Prepared students for TOEFL & French Baccalaureate 
     English exams. 
     Was fully in charge of a whole class of 40 students- 
     Tuteur (Counselor- Everything regarding students- 
     All subjects) 
     Created & Designed Web Pages for students' projects. 
     Organised and Directed theatre plays, e.g. "Midsummer 
     Night's Dream" that I simplified myself for my students. 
     Supervised several social activities. 
     Volunteered to help in Summer School.
Oct. 1992 - June 1999
 - French TeacherU.S.J.- Université Saint Joseph
     Taught Advanced French, Perfectionnement 
     Linguistique Français, to first year Economics 
     Personally designed course study.
Oct. 1992 - June 1994
 - French Teacher, CEC- Centre Supérieur d'Etudes
     Taught Advanced French, Perfectionnement 
     Linguistique Français, to BT/ TS Vocational 
     Education students. 
     Personally designed course study.
Oct. 1991 - June 1992 
 - English Teacher, Collège Melkart- Lebanon
     Taught EFL to 6th and 7th grade students. 
     Personally designed course study.
Oct. 1991 - June 1992
 - Translator, (English, French, Arabic) Al Handasah
   Magazine-   an engineering magazine.
Nov. 1988 - Dec. 1994 
 - Travel Agent, Mill-Run Tours- Boston- Massachusetts
Aug. - Dec. 1988 
 - Film Translator, Lebanese T.V. Stations: TéléLiban
    LBC, MTV
1986 - 1992



1. Special Mentions;
2. Prior applications for Canadian permanent resident status;
3. Medical issues;
4. Criminality issues.