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Foundations of Curriculum Theory: Notes & Reflections
Reading 1- The American School 1642-2004 by Joel Spring- Chapters 4 to 6
Reading 2- The Struggle for the American Curriculum by Herbert M. Kliebard (2004)- Chapters 1 to 5
* The four major forces that determined the new American curriculum
(Humanists, Developmentalists, Social Efficiency Educators, Social Meliorists)
Reading 3- The Struggle for the American Curriculum by Herbert M. Kliebard- Chapters 6 to 10
Reading 4- Basic Principles of Curriculum & Instruction by Ralph W. Tyler- 1949
Reading 5- Ideology & Curriculum by Michael W. Apple (2004)
Readings 6- Curriculum as Classed and Politicized Text -- (Pinar, Giroux, Molnar, Finn)
Reading 7- Curriculum as Racialized Text (1) -- (William H. Watkins)
Readings 8- Curriculum as Racialized Text (2) -- (Pinar, Chan, Barajas)
Readings 9- Curriculum as Gendered Text -- (Pinar, Grumer, Martino)
Readings 10- Curriculum as Sexualized Text -- (Britzman, Sumara & Davis, Fine)
Readings 11- Curriculum as Hybridized and Intersected Text -- (Kumashiro, Asher)Curriculum Theory: Notes & Reflections
Readings 1- Understanding Curriculum (Pinar & Huebner)
Readings 2- Curriculum as Historical Text (Pinar, Chap. 3-4) & Aoki
Reading 3- Teaching by Numbers (Taubman, Chap. 1-4)
Reading 4- Teaching by Numbers (Taubman, Chap. 6-end)
Reading 5- Curriculum as Phenomenological Text
Reading 6- Curriculum as Poststructuralist, Deconstructed, Postmodern Text
Readings 7- Curriculum as Poststructuralist, Deconstructed, Postmodern Text (2)
Readings 8- Curriculum as Autobiographical and Biographical Text
Readings 9- Curriculum as Autobiographical and Biographical Text (2)
Reading 10- Psychoanalysis and Education
Reading 11- Psychoanalysis and Education (2)
Readings 12- Curriculum as Aesthetic TextNEW...Final Paper:...NEW
"Emotions and Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in Curriculum Theory:
on Incorporating EQ Skills in Teacher Education"
- Emotions and Education as an Impossible Profession
- Emotions in Curriculum Theory: Based on Taubman, Powell & Barber, Salvio, and Silin
- Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
- Criticisms of Emotional Intelligence
- On Incorporating EQ Skills in Teacher Education
- Analysis of the Role of Teachers as Articulated in Kliebard, Tyler, and Apple Texts
- The ESL Reading Curriculum: New Lenses
- Integrating Technology in the Classroom- TPACK
- Education, One of the Impossible Professions
- Emotions & Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in Teacher Education
- Instructional Systems Design - ISD
- Theory & Design of Curriculum (AUB)
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