1. Emotions and Education as an Impossible Profession
2. Emotions in Curriculum
based on
Taubman, Powell & Barber,
Salvio, and Silin
"=> understand the cases in..."
"Linda Powell & Margaret Barber"
"Linda Powell & Margaret Barber"
"Jonathan Silin (quoting Grumet"
3. Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
4. Criticisms of Emotional Intelligence
First Criticism:
Implicit Quest for Pastoral Power
and Social Control
First Criticism:
Pastoral Power: Response
First Criticism:
Pastoral Power: Response
Second Criticism:
Gender Issues
Second Criticism:
Gender Issues: Response
Second Criticism:
Gender Issues: Response
Second Criticism:
Gender Issues: Response
"Women will also take from..."
5. On Incorporating EQ Skills in Teacher Education
5. On Incorporating EQ Skills in Teacher Education
5. On Incorporating EQ Skills in Teacher Education
Incorporating EQ Skills in the Curriculum
Incorporating EQ Skills in the Curriculum
"EQ skills should be taught..."
5. On Incorporating EQ Skills in Teacher Education
5. On Incorporating EQ Skills in Teacher Education