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“The world is a comedy
to those that think;
a tragedy
to those that feel”

Horace Walpole
English Art Historian

"Women Have Been"
Women Have Been
Accused of Being…
Not Dependable …
Touchy-Feely …
Too Emotional!

Emotions affect
our cognitive and moral perceptions

In order to:
Deal with Emotions

Emotional Intelligence Skills
in Education

In this paper…
Emotions & Education as an Impossible Profession
Emotions in the Curriculum Theory Literature

In this paper…
What is Emotional Intelligence (EQ)?
Criticisms of Emotional Intelligence

In this paper…
How Can EQ Skills Be Incorporated in Teacher Education?

1. Emotions and Education as an Impossible Profession
Educators are required to:
Reason about their thinking
Try to explore their inhibitions, their suppressed thoughts, and their fears

Educators have to
Strive to become aware of what their ego and their unconscious refuse to admit
=> this highly affects their teaching

    Educators are
often faced with
their imperfection
their human narcissism
their omnipotence and lack of altruism
=> they are pushed to question their ideals and everything they think they stand for

2. Emotions in Curriculum Theory:
based on
Taubman, Powell & Barber,
Salvio, and Silin
Teachers should reflect on themselves in order to know how their social identities affect their teaching
Teachers are supposed to work on their own biases in order not to damage their students

Teacher education needs to address the uncontrollable experience of “jouissance”

"=> understand the cases in..."
=> understand the cases in which teachers can enjoy their own aggression towards their students in the name of a greater good

"Linda Powell & Margaret Barber"
Linda Powell & Margaret Barber
Educators in urban schools have failed to properly deal with their anxieties.
Some sources of anxiety in daily work:
teaching poor children whose childhoods differ from what teachers are used to > new minds whose family lives and individual development are affected by
the economy
the media

"Linda Powell & Margaret Barber"
Linda Powell & Margaret Barber
In order to deal with anxiety in schooling, we need to
Follow strategies that help us deal with the sources of our anxiety
Work through the unconscious
Confront our anxiety

"Paula Salvio"
Paula Salvio
Teachers come with diverse historical backgrounds and it would be unfair for them to teach, to shape students’ lives, unless
they have found a way to come to terms with their own backgrounds
they have worked through their past.

"Paula Salvio"
Paula Salvio
Anne Sexton’s pedagogy consisted in dealing with the real emotions that lie behind feelings of guilt, sadness, rage, and horror.
    > (she managed to cultivate a “true self”
          through a pedagogy of reparation and
          recognizing otherness)

"Paula Salvio"
Paula Salvio
There is no way for us to tolerate others unless we have managed to
make peace with ourselves
explore our deep emotions and their sources
understand and control them.

"Jonathan Silin"
Jonathan Silin
In order for teachers to be able to create spaces for emotions, they need to
be aware of their own
understand them
know how to deal with them

"Jonathan Silin (quoting Grumet"
Jonathan Silin (quoting Grumet)
The curriculum should be considered a "'mediating space'... a place in which we try to reconnect to
the people from whom we have been separated
the things that we have lost, and later
the person we once were" (p. 230).

Teachers are role models; their effect on students' lives is huge and eternal.
They need to be trained in a way that makes their effect as positive as possible.

3. Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
“Rule Your Feelings, Lest Your Feelings Rule You”
(Publius Syrus, 1st Century BC)

Emotional Intelligence:
1) Knowing our emotions (self-awareness)
2) Managing our emotions (self-management)
3) Motivating ourselves (self-motivation)
4) Recognizing emotions in others (empathy, social awareness)
5) Handling relationships
(Goleman, 1995 & 1998)

Just like metacognition, self-awareness involves cognition;
cognition of the way we feel versus
cognition of the way we think (metacognition)

Self-awareness allows us to
recognize feelings as they occur
realize what is behind them
realize what has caused them

Self-management involves
regulating our emotions after we have become aware of them
acting on them
changing them

Self-motivation involves finding ways to motivate ourselves to
think positively
seek to overcome obstacles
have clear goals and an optimistic can-do attitude

Empathy entails
being able to put ourselves in other people’s shoes
seeing things from their perspective
respecting differences in how they feel about things
     (Goleman, 1995, p. 268)

Handling Relationships
Handling relationships involves the ability to
inspire, influence, and develop others
manage emotions
be assertive
communicate, listen, show warmth,  negotiate compromise
think win/win
believe in the principle of abundance

4. Criticisms of Emotional Intelligence
First Criticism:
Implicit Quest for Pastoral Power
and Social Control
Second Criticism:
Gender Issues:
Discrimination Against Women

First Criticism:
Implicit Quest for Pastoral Power
and Social Control
The individual is “seduced to police his or her emotions in the interest of neoliberal, globalized capitalism"
(Boler, 1999, p. xxii)

First Criticism:
 Pastoral Power: Response
Once you train people to look deeply within themselves, to become aware of their emotions, of who they are and why they are like that
once you train people to understand their emotions, to question them

First Criticism:
 Pastoral Power: Response
>>> you will be training them to use powerful cognitive skills that cannot just be shut off when the state desires so, or when the "pastor" so wishes.

Second Criticism:
Gender Issues
“Gender is powerfully ignored”
(Boler, 1999, p. 62)
Especially when it comes to showing empathy, which women are known to naturally do.

Second Criticism:
Gender Issues: Response
Here is the theory
Here are the qualities that people in general need to have in order to be happy and successful
=> Each person works on improving the qualities they are lacking

Second Criticism:
Gender Issues: Response
I do not believe that EQ targets mainly men.
It was coined by men, but both men and women have it and might need to improve it.

Second Criticism:
Gender Issues: Response
Men will take from this theory what they need in order to reach an ideal of behaving both rationally and emotionally so as not to be accused of insensitivity

"Women will also take from..."
Women will also take from it what they need in order to reach an ideal of behaving both emotionally and rationally so as not to be accused anymore of being touchy-feely.
              >>> Win/Win Situation

5. On Incorporating EQ Skills in Teacher Education
We all, teachers and students, have a different "emotional baggage" that we carry with us into the classroom

5. On Incorporating EQ Skills in Teacher Education
This "emotional baggage" stems from our
Social class, and
All the events that characterize our lives.

5. On Incorporating EQ Skills in Teacher Education
>>In order for teachers to be able to understand their students' emotional baggages, they need, first, to be aware of their own emotional  baggage and understand it.

Incorporating EQ Skills in the Curriculum
What is useful:
Natural Emotional Teaching that comes with many of the liberal arts and with various value systems as well
Courses directly focused on the topic should be approached cautiously
(Mayer and Salovey, 1997, p. 19-20).

Incorporating EQ Skills in the Curriculum
Art programs
Theater, etc.
>> are all excellent grounds to teach Emotional Intelligence Skills

"EQ skills should be taught..."
EQ skills should be taught exactly like academic skills
As part of a comprehensive program
To every child
Every day
Every year
Using a present/model/practice/ apply/reward format”
(Salovey & Sluyter, 1997, p. 34)

5. On Incorporating EQ Skills in Teacher Education
School-based mentors who work with the pre-service trainee teachers can play a big role in helping those teachers improve their emotional intelligence
(Hawkey, 2006)

5. On Incorporating EQ Skills in Teacher Education
Risk of Wrongful Implementation
The way EQ skills may need to be taught is through the study of the social and cultural contexts, steering away from teaching skills in individualistic conditions

5. On Incorporating EQ Skills in Teacher Education
Risk of Wrongful Implementation
It is utterly unacceptable to put the blame on the individuals because they do not have the right skills
The way EQ should be implemented should actually be in harmony with EQ
Teachers should be given appropriate training and follow-up in order not to fall into the behavioral modification trap

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"No Man is Defeated Without until he is Defeated Within"
-- Eleanor Roosevelt

No teacher is defeated by education, or by his/her students, until he/she is defeated within, in his/her core.
We might be able to prevent defeat by  Incorporating Emotional Intelligence Skills in Teacher Preparation Programs

Take our problem seriously
Recognize how emotions shape our
   classroom interactions
Brainstorm to come up with an excellent program that
serves to incorporate EQ in teacher education
sets the basis for the development of effective pedagogies of emotions that benefit both teacher and student

“44% of all Long Term Disability claims by teachers are stress related. This is 3-4 times that of the general public
One third of all teachers starting to teach today will leave the teaching profession within five years?
Teaching is the 4th most stressful profession?”
By Mike Moore- Ontario, Canada
Co-coordinator of Education - Brant County
Dept. Head - St. John’s College - Brantford Ontario

A first year teacher went to her principal very upset with the outrageous behavior of some of her students. They were making her life hellish. The principal listened and said, "Look, you're supposed to be a pro, so HANDLE IT." She left in tears.

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Some References
Boler, M. (1999). Feeling power: Emotions and education. New York & London: Routledge.
Britzman, D. (2009). The very thought of education: Psychoanalysis and the impossible professions. Albany: State University of New York Press.
Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ. New York: Bantam Books.
Hawkey, K. (2006). Emotional intelligence and mentoring in preservice teacher education: a literature review. Mentoring & Tutoring, 14, 2, 137-147. doi:10.1080/13611260500493485
Mayer, J. D., Salovey, P., & Caruso, D. R. (2004). Emotional intelligence: Theory, findings, and implications. Psychological Inquiry, 15, 197-215.
Powell, L.C., & Barber, M.E. (2006). Savage inequalities indeed: Irrationality and urban school reform. In G. Boldt & P. Salvio (Eds.), Love's return: Psychoanalytic essays on childhood, teaching, and learning (pp. 33-60). New York: Routledge.
Salovey, P. & Sluyter, D.J. (Eds.). (1997). Emotional development and emotional intelligence. New York: Basic Books.
Salvio, P. (2006). On the vicissitudes of love and hate: Anne Sexton's pedagogy of loss and reparation. In G. Boldt & P. Salvio (Eds.), Love's return: Psychoanalytic essays on childhood, teaching, and learning (pp. 65-86). New York: Routledge.
Silin, J. (2006). Reading, writing, and the wrath of my father. In G. Boldt & P. Salvio (Eds.), Love's return: Psychoanalytic essays on childhood, teaching, and learning (pp. 227-242). New York: Routledge.
Taubman, P.M. (2006). I love them to death. In G. Boldt & P. Salvio (Eds.), Love's return: Psychoanalytic essays on childhood, teaching, and learning (pp. 19-32). New York: Routledge.

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