Grading System

Common Test  Over 20
Quiz  Over 12
H.W. + Journal Over 6
Participation + Assiduity Over 2

Notes:  1- The Portfolio is graded Once Before each Exam
             2- Assignments & Journals are graded as follows :

 Grade  Remark  Percentage   Grade Remark Percentage
A+ Excellent  100-99 Average  77-72
Excellent  98-92  C- Fair  71-70
A-  Very Good  91-90 D+  Poor  69-68
B+ Very Good 89-88  Poor  67-62
Very Good 87-82  D- Very Poor 61-60
B- Good  81-80  F Failure  59 and below
C+ Average 79-78

Page Created on September 8th, 1998
  Last updated on February 25, 2000
   Copyright (C) 1998/1999 by Nada AbiSamra.
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