"Nada's ESL Island"
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Peace Flag- Click Here!

Especially for my Friend!
Wendy's Wonderland Disney Page!  Very Good!
Family Education Network  Excellent

Jennifer's Language Page!  Some words/phrases in many languages!
The Quotations Page

The Lyrics Library - Home Page
UNESCO Education Information Service
Franklin Covey Co. PRIORITIES

Welcome to TIME.com

Micrografx CreataCard.com
Electronic magazines
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ArtToday - Internet's largest image and font archive

Arachnophilia Home Page
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Reader's Digest Magazine
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1999 College Ranking
State-By-State College Ranking
ABCs Personal Growth: Quizzes
Disney.com- Where the magic lives online!
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Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence
IDynamics- Online Personal Development
English Learner
Body, Mind & Spirit- EQ
Interaction Web Server Companion
Reading Materials
Multiple Intelligences
Barbarian's Online IQ Tests Page
IQ Test
Family Survival
Half-Baked- Quiz Creator
Characteristics of Effective Team Members
~SUCCESS Through a Positive Mental Attitude - Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone.
   ~*Self Development By: Trudeau, Covey, Mandino, Peale, Robbins, Tracy, Ziglar etc.
Napoleon Hill Foundation Home Page
Games and activities for the children's classroom - Taiwan Teacher
The Secrets to College Success!
Welcome To Success By Choice
Welcome to Success By Sid
Motivator Pro - Goal Setting Reinvented For Our Times!!!
Student Success Homepage
Adobe Acrobat Download
Human Cloning, is it right?
Human Cloning Home Page
Congratulations Greetings Cards
Congratulations Animated Electronic Greeting Cards
Blue Mountain Arts' Electronic Greeting Cards
Kaplan Presents: Life's Little Instruction Book
REGARDS.COM FREE electronic greeting cards - Holiday Cards - Greeting Cards
Send An Electronic Greeting Card
123Greetings - Send a Card
Sounds of the World's Animals: English
Quality of Life Reporting System
Allyn & Bacon Catalog
Classroom-Ready Samples
To All The Children Of The World
Merry's Thoughts on Life, Love, and Mental Happiness

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Page Created on September 8th, 1998 ||  Last updated on August 24, 2004
Copyright © 2001-2009 Nada Salem Abisamra

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Affect in Language Learning: Motivation
"Error Analysis: Arabic Speakers' English Writings"

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