American Community School
2001 - 2002
Mrs. Nada AbiSamra

Additional Criteria for Evaluating Presentations

Possible Points:  1 2 3 4 5
Presentation Style

Personal appearance (posture, expression); speaking (articulation, projection); energy, interest, audience contact

Presenter appears slovenly or uninterested, has little or no energy, does not have eye contact with audience, is difficult to hear or understand.       Presenter appears professional and lively, articulates and projects well, is interested in the topic, engages in frequent eye contact with the audience, holds both attention and interest.

Opening and concluding remarks, flow of ideas, reasoning

Opening is absent or difficult to grasp, topics seem disjointed or rambling, with no clear direction, reasoning is faulty or unclear, closing fails to wrap up topic or make conclusions.       Opening is concise and informative, sections flow together well, connections between topics are easy to follow, reasoning is sound, closing wraps up topic well and states conclusions clearly.

Ideas (novelty, clarity), value of content, use of examples

Ideas are not new or interesting, and show a lack of understanding of the scholarship to date on the subject, content has little or no value to the discipline, and examples are absent or seem not to support the thesis.       Ideas are interesting and show a new take on the subject, content shows value to the discipline and is potentially useful, examples are drawn that clearly show whence the ideas have come and their potential uses.
Use of Media

Linking media with speaking; linking media with other media (if applicable); Knowledgeable handling of media; general appearance of media materials (legibility, layout)

Media used are not properly integrated with speaking, timing is off, slides are out of order, presenter shows lack of knowledge in the preparation or handling of media used, media are illegible or poorly laid-out, and distract attention from the topic.       Media used are well integrated with speech and with each other, presenter shows expertise in preparing and using media, materials are legible, attractive, and well laid-out, and are supportive rather than distracting.

Grammar, gestures, pace

Presenter shows poor grasp of language or structure, uses distracting gestures or mannerisms, speaks too quickly or too slowly; shows poor preparation.       Presenter shows good grasp of language (grammar, sentence structure), uses gestures effectively to support ideas rather than distract, pace is neither too fast nor too slow; presenter shows good preparation.